Our Books

Newcross is Steph West’s debut novel in the science fantasy/adventure genre featuring protagonist Fin Baker. Fin is a tough, street-smart NYC detective who lands in 1975 thanks to a mysterious encounter with “The Man in Black.” Could it have something to do with the mother who abandoned her at birth? As she discovers dangerous truths about her past, Fin gets closer and closer to catching a killer and learning the truth about her family. Learn more!

On Fire is a 4.9-rated memoir on Amazon with reviewers calling it a “must-read” in the motherhood, journalist, and feminist theories categories. This poignant and uplifting exploration of the mother-daughter relationship and how it’s affected by weight, gender, mental health, and class inequities in the Midwest is West’s first book and debut memoir. Her sharp observations of the systemic way our culture marginalizes single mothers is on-point. Buy it HERE now!